More than 40 senior professionals from agencies spread around the five continents met via Zoom, for three days and more than 12 hours of online broadcasting, in an innovative transmission. The International Public Relations Network (IPRN) Annual General Meeting and Conference took place between 5th and 7th November and allowed the discussion of industry trends, best practices, case studies and the global sharing of perceptions about the current landscape that affects the entire world and will open a new era after Covid-19.
“For three days, we brought together some of the best international PR minds, cases and listened to new perspectives of leadership in the public relations sector,” says IPRN Executive Director, Luis Gonzalez. “As a leading global PR organization, we strive to be at the forefront of trends and bring new learning to companies and customers with our members around the world”, he adds.
The conference was organized by Central de Informação, IPRN partner agency in Portugal, with strong know-how in the areas of events and PR. “It was a pioneer model, and a winner. We transformed a meeting via Zoom into a television broadcast format, with live performance, thought leadership content and the best graphic design. From the members’ feedback, we are certain that it was the right option”, says Rodrigo Viana de Freitas, CEO from Central de Informação.
Video making of here:
Each year, the best public relations and communication projects and videos from around the world participate in the Annual IPRN Awards.
This year the winners were:
JPA Health Communications, USA
“Safety in the Sky”
Client: Air Medical Company
B2C Category
TDUB Kommunikationsberatung, Germany
“How do Germans use their smartphones?”
Client: Freenet
CSR Category
Crest Communications, Czech Republic
Client: Raiffeisenbank Czech Republic
B2B Category
McOnie, UK
“Arco Innovation Awards”
Client: Arco
Video of the year
INC-Comunicazione, Italy
“Back for Good”
Client: Heineken Ichnusa
Agency of the year
Redwood Consulting, UK