Lisbon will receive in 2020 one of the largest global PR networks

July 17, 2019



It is official: Lisbon was chosen as the destination for the next AGM and IPRN Conference, one of the largest international organizations of independent communication and public relations agencies. The vote was held at the end of May in Warsaw, although the decision has now only been ratified. The Portuguese candidature, presented by Central de Informação, a national member of IPRN, was supported by the Lisbon City Hall and sponsored by Lisbon Tourism, which are key entities for the outcome of this process.

The centrality of international Lisbon, together with the climate, security and organizational capacity of the national agency were decisive for the success of the candidacy. The meeting will take place from May 15 to 19, 2020, with representatives from about 50 international agencies from five continents expected. In addition to the formal work sessions, the program integrates cultural and leisure activities every year.

For five days, the meeting will transform Lisbon into the capital of strategic thinking on the role of communication and public relations around the world, with the participation of CEOs and senior representatives from many dozen global agencies. The objective is to discuss issues such as innovation, trends, best practices, collaboration and truth, and to analyse case studies of leading companies, at a time when fake news and misinformation are growing internationally.

IPRN currently has about 50 members and is present in more than 30 countries on five continents. It represents an accumulated billing volume of around 500 million dollars, with more than 7 thousand employees distributed by the various branches and a total of 4 thousand active customers. In 2020 it celebrates 25 years, which makes the Annual General Meeting and Conference next year an even more remarkable event.

For Luis Gonzalez, CEO of IPRN, “the victory of Lisbon was excellent news for the organization, because it can represent a great moment of celebration of 25 years and of international affirmation of the vitality of IPRN.” Rodrigo Viana de Freitas, chairman of the network and CEO of Central de Informação, responsible for organizing the meeting, said: “The organization of IPRN’s biggest annual event in Lisbon is a great honour and responsibility, with official support from the municipality and of Lisbon Tourism have been essential in this process “.

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