From Warsaw to Lisbon, passing through London

June 22, 2020


AGM Warsaw 2019

A year has passed since the last AGM in May 2019 in Warsaw, and after evaluating this period the balance and results for IPRN is very positive with many achievements, increased collaboration, participation, cooperation and activities among members.

In the new world that will emerge after the Coronacrisis, “collaboration” is one of the winning concepts and being in the core of IPRN it makes sense to profit from what we have built in 25 years. A new logo, branding, website, strategic plan 2020-25, operational and membership structure, “IPRN Collaborative Efisystem”, etc., have been developed for the new times to support better the growth and sustainability of IPRN.

Last year proved to be another challenging year but nothing comparable with Covid-19. During the crisis we have been confronted with terrible and fake news on one side and examples of good management and creativity on the other. Communication proved how important it is for the progress of societies, companies, business and institutions and our members have been in high demand as experience professionals for assessment, creative and innovative solutions to build confidence and credibility.

IPRN has grown in members, leads, activities, benefits, networking and improved in knowledge transfer, member participation, engagement, collaboration, tools, operational structure, reputation and notoriety. The organization is giving a better support to members and achieving more targets as a network, platform and PR organization offering additional potential and opportunities to learn, be inspired, participate and collaborate.

Since the last AGM in Warsaw IPRN has added 8 new members: ProComm in Austria, Extrovert in Greece, Luna in Belgium, Textual in Brazil, Mekky Media in Chicago, Houston in the UK, Aurora Strategy in Canada and Aker Ink in Phoenix, Arizona. IPRN has reached the 25th anniversary with 53 members, in 110 cities of the world and direct representation in 42 countries and has become a leading PR global organization.

2019 and this first 6 months of 2020 has been a period with multiple activities. The AGM and conference in Warsaw, organized by Public Dialog from Poland, was a great event, with a record numbers of participants, good engagement, active participation, high quality projects & videos, a very nice social program and an excellent gala dinner and prize giving ceremony for the annual awards, with the outstanding attendance of the President of Poland.

The European Regional Meeting in London, organized by IPRN member Redwood, was another very good example of a concentrated event, highly productive, creative and useful, with a record number of attendants, 43 delegates from 29 agencies. PR Partner, our Russian member, organized also our first webinar in early May, and it proved to be very interesting and productive.

Late May, IPRN launched a new logo, branding and website with increased potential. In these months we normally celebrate our annual AGM, but with Covid-19 we postponed it to November and decided to start celebrating our 25th anniversary virtually. Rodrigo Freitas as IPRN’ Chairman and his team have been working hard in the meantime on the organization of the congress in the beautiful city of Lisbon to reach another record in participation, proactivity and engagement of our delegates and speakers and to identify more business and networking opportunities for our members.

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